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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Serial killer films need to end

By Ashley Hines | February 14, 2019

The past few months have birthed a new wave of series surrounding the personal lives of serial killers. While this trend certainly garners views, its depiction of gruesome criminals as misunderstood victims of society promotes a dangerous narrative empathizing...

Senioritis setting in at NIU

By Gino Hernaiz | November 19, 2012

The motivation for college students to succeed academically may decrease as they arrive closer to their graduation date. The phenomenon is known as senioritis. According to, senioritis is “an ebbing of motivation and effort by school...

Facing failures can be a key to success

By Cody Laplante | November 14, 2012

We have all been there: a class where the instructor asks a question and nobody answers. It’s awkward and everyone feels it. All eyes are on you. You know the answer but you don’t want to raise your hand. In almost every class that I am in this has...

End of world dating sites draw in survivalists

End of world dating sites draw in survivalists

By Mary Diamond | April 24, 2012

It may be the end of the world as we know it - but you don’t have to face it alone. With the last recorded Mayan calendar cycle approaching its final day on December 21 of this year, survivalists who believe that late 2012 will bring catastrophic change...