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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Art exhibit showcases faculty, staff artwork

By Jamie O’Toole | January 16, 2020

DeKALB — Composed of several events, a month-long exhibit at the NIU Art Museum will feature lectures and presentations from art and design faculty and staff. At their individual events, the featured faculty and staff will showcase their artwork and...

Social stigmas around mental health need to stop

By Anthony Parlogean | December 1, 2019

Words like crazy, mad, insane and feeble-minded may come up when thinking about mental illness. Whether they are antiquated or in present-day vernacular, negative sounding words like these are linked to the social stigma surrounding mental health. To...

Associated Press File Photo: Actor Alec Baldwin, who is known for his mocking impersonations of President Donald Trump on "Saturday Night Live," speaks November 2017 at the Iowa Democratic Party's fall gala, in Des Moines, Iowa.

Political satire is an important form of media to understand

By Hunter Weston | October 27, 2019

“Live from New York, it’s Saturday Night Live!” This phrase has been said so many times by so many different people. It’s undisputedly a trademarked saying of our culture, and it’s almost instantly recognizable. “Saturday Night Live is more...

Chess should be a core subject in schools

By Anthony Parlogean | October 6, 2019

“Chess is engaging, challenging and it stimulates [the] brain,” associate professor of counseling Scott Wickman said. “In addition to that, chess is a parallel to life.”Chess is more than a game – it is a valuable tool that can be used in life,...


Grading scales do not reflect student performance

By Anthony Parlogean | September 16, 2019

There are two types of grading scales utilized by professors: the plus-minus grading scale and the traditional grading scale. The plus-minus scale is no more efficient than the traditional grading scale is. In fact, neither grading scale is entirely effective...

Representative Underwood talks gun control, healthcare at town hall

By Kierra Frazier | September 5, 2019

U.S. Representative Lauren Underwood held a town hall for students on Tuesday and discussed how Congress plans to reauthorize the Higher Education Act this fall.The town hall meeting was the first one Underwood held specifically for college students....

Attendees listen as Trevada Redmond, of DeKalb, asks police leadership how they plan to hold themselves and their officers accountable.

Police chief promises daily updates on arrest statistics at community meeting

By Noah Thornburgh | September 5, 2019

At a community meeting Wednesday night, DeKalb Police Chief John Petragallo agreed to post a daily breakdown of arrests by race and economic status to the department’s social media, following a demand by a resident.DeKalb community members filled New...

Common Core needs to be revamped

By Noah Thornburgh | February 14, 2019

If education is about raising humans, then the Common Core needs a revamp. Otherwise, the next generation may be more machine than man.The Common Core State Standards Initiative started in 2010 as a way to promote country-wide learning standards for K-12...

The wage gap isn’t because of sexism

By Shelby Tomassini | May 3, 2018

When looking at the annual median wages of women and men, it is true men make more money on average than women, however, the reason for this seems to be in the differing jobs women and men choose to pursue.In 2015, the annual full-time earnings for a...