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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Stop inflammation with healthy diet

Fit Facts: Support your gut bacteria

By Blake Glosson | October 28, 2014

In a society that emphasizes taking action to prevent the growth of bacteria, it’s easy to forget we have friendly bacteria living inside of us, keeping us alive.Called natural flora, or gut microbiota, this is the stuff you should protect and nurture...

Alison Pacey, 14 Genoa, plays with a few cats at Tails Humane
Society, 2250 Barber Greene Road, as a part of her volunteer

Shelter animals may require more time and care after adoption

By Shelby Devitt | October 23, 2011

In August 2010, sophomore pre-communication major Shucreeia Robinson took the advice of a friend and decided to adopt a rabbit locally at TAILS Humane Society. Robinson is not alone in choosing adoption from local shelters. Illinois Department of Agriculture...