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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

(From left) University Advisory Committee member Brad Cripe, Administrative Assistant Pat Erickson, University Council Chair and NIU associate professor Ismael Montana and NIU President Lisa Freeman sit at the council table during the University Council meeting Tuesday. (Christian Quevedo | Northern Star)

University Council discuss plans to introduce AI, virtual reality to classrooms

By Kaitlyn Lee-Gordon, News Reporter | April 10, 2023

DeKALB – New technology may be introduced to NIU classrooms in the upcoming years following the University Council meeting addressing Gov. J.B. Priztker’s proposed budget for Illinois universities.  BUDGET UPDATE While addressing the budget update,...

Re-enrollment increases over spring semester

By Evan Mellon, News Reporter | February 2, 2023

DeKALB – The NIU University Council met to discuss the increase of re-enrollment rates and SGA funding. Executive Vice President and Provost Beth Ingram said that the re-enrollment rate for full-time first-year students this spring semester is 88.3%,...

NIU provost Beth Ingram steps down from her role while the university's new CFO George Middlemist arrives in January

NIU gains new CFO, provost to step down

By Zachary Bertram, Senior Sports Reporter | November 20, 2022

DeKALB – NIU hired George Middlemist as its new CFO, and Beth Ingram, executive vice president and provost, announced she will be resigning in June. NIU found its new chief financial officer in Middlemist, according to an NIU Today news release....

President Lisa Freeman discusses potential program offered by Braven in collaboration with NIU at the Thursday Board of Trustees meeting. (Zohair Khan | Northern Star)

Braven Inc. prepares underserved students for job market

By Ally Formeller, News Reporter | April 7, 2022
Board of Trustees approved a new course that will give students the necessary skills to succeed in the job market
5 more students test positive for COVID-19

Temporary in-person class shutdown is a positive move by university

By Danielle Elliott | September 17, 2020

NIU President Lisa Freeman sent out an email Friday to inform students that the university will temporarily be moving undergraduate courses online for two weeks due to the quick rise in students testing positive for COVID-19.  We are now nearly a...

Board approves arts fee

By Dan Doren, News Reporter | December 8, 2019

DeKALB — Students might have to pay a new fee with the arrival of fiscal year 2021 but should also expect to see a decrease in charges on the whole.The Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve a recommendation regarding the costs of student general...