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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Changing Gears: Improperly placed bikes to be seized

By Allison Krecek | October 17, 2013

They lean against benches, hug trees and trip up traveling students: Bikes that aren’t secured to racks.The NIU Police Department has started notifying students that if their bike isn’t locked up in a designated area it will be confiscated. They attach...

Mike Morocco, senior time arts major, takes the eco park bike
path as a shortcut back to his apartment Tuesday afternoon.

NIU may be paving the way for new bike paths

By Chelsey Boutan | September 20, 2011

Before NIU Sgt. Alan Smith crosses from one side to the other on the sidewalk, he always looks over his shoulder. "I've almost been hit several times just walking down the sidewalk," Smith said. "You have to turn around because the bikes just fly through."...

Parking Services offers bikes for students to borrow

August 25, 2011

DeKALB | NIU Parking Services does more for students than help with their car and issue parking permits and tickets - it offers an environmentally-friendly method of travel.Parking Services offers NIU students, staff and faculty a free program called...

City plans new bike path

By Thomas Verschelde | April 24, 2011

DeKalb bicyclists may have new paths to explore in the next year. "The bike path addition currently planned is to be located along the north side of Fairview Drive between Route 23 (Fourth Street) and Heritage Drive," said Steve Maney, intern for DeKalb's...

Bikers are not the issue; paying attention is

By Letter Writer | September 27, 2010

I entirely disagree with Taurean Small's article about bike riders on Sept. 21. As a bike rider I am mindful of my surroundings and always shout to pedestrians, I even do my best to avoid sidewalks to stay out of people's way. I even slow down at corners...

Knowledge to prevent bike thefts

Knowledge to prevent bike thefts

By Katherine Orr | September 20, 2010

Students worried about bike theft on campus have ways to combat it. NIU Police Sgt. Alan Smith said he encourages students to register their bikes with the police department. Smith said there were five bikes stolen within the first two weeks of school....

5 helpful suggestions for all of the bikers out there

By Taurean Small | September 20, 2010

You never realize just how dangerous a college campus can be until you narrowly escape a head-on collision. Give me a minute while I collect myself. I have to deal with this unfortunate truth every day, for every time I decide to walk around on campus...