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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

BioLife encourages students’ support

By Erin Kolb | February 21, 2013

Plasma donation is used for a variety of reasons, and at BioLife Plasma Services, 1455 County Farm Road, donors can get paid for the plasma their body generates naturally. Junior business major Dylan Beach started donating plasma as an extra source of...

BioLife now accepting new plasma donors

By Northern Star Staff | October 1, 2012

BioLife Plasma Services, 1455 County Farm Road, is accepting new plasma donors. Plasma donations are used to help people in a variety of ways such as use of treatment for disorders like hemophilia and immune system deficiencies. Donors who successfully...

Sexual orientation still prevents blood donation

By Faith Healy & Ross Hettel | September 19, 2011

With several blood drives planned this month, the issue of banning homosexual men from donating blood will again come to light. For 28 years, according to a New York Times article, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned homosexual men, or "males...