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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Blackboard lets students see how their grades compare to their classmates.

Blackboard’s new feature lets students see grade average in classes

By Parker Otto | May 3, 2022
Blackboard offers a new pie graph option under the Grades page to let students see how their grades compare to their classmates.

Title IX module confuses students

By Northern Star Editorial Board | January 19, 2017

A Blackboard module focused on Title IX for all but first year students was quietly activated without notification from the university, which should have alerted students that the module is mandatory and serves to inform them. This week, students will...

TAs train to run class

By Kristen Lookingland | September 12, 2016

DeKALB | In 1993, Carrie Helmig walked into Stevens Lab as a teaching assistant who was unprepared and unsure of what to expect, as she had no training to teach her recitation.“They threw you to the wolves then,” Helmig said. “Literally, you go...

Pass/Fail: Chipotle gives away free burritos;Blackboard malfunctions

By Faith Mellenthin | February 11, 2016

Pass: Chipotle gives away free burritosAfter closing for the day Monday for a staff meeting, Chipotle Mexican Grill’s recent promotion gave back to its customers in the most effective way — free food.With the recent E. coli scare contaminating several...

Graduate accounting student Kang Gao (left) and Nino Mebuke, graduate sports psychology student, work on computer workstations Monday night on the second floor of Founders Memorial Library. The university has plans to expand its Wi-Fi, potentially providing it to portions of downtown DeKalb.

NIU Wi-Fi could expand to city

By Chris Raufeisen | October 21, 2014

The university’s wireless network may expand down Lincoln Highway to downtown DeKalb by fall 2015, said Chief Information Officer Brett Coryell.WirelessBy the end of the semester, the Division of Information Technology will have reached a decision with...

Pass/Fail: NIU cleans, redesigns Web homepage; Post-game traffic rush could improve

By Carl Nadig | October 12, 2014

Pass: NIU cleans, redesigns Web homepageNIU’s Web redesign is a progressive step for adapting to technology-savvy students.I’m sure everyone has his or her own opinions on how he or she is adjusting to the redesign of NIU’s website, Regardless...

Printing not worth cost to NIU

By Northern Star Editorial Board | September 28, 2014

The university must prioritize saving money over giving students a higher printing quota.Students are allocated $7 per semester — or about 100 pages — in printing, a drop from last year’s $14 per semester, which was equivalent to printing 200 pages....

No deadline for Web policy change

No deadline for Web policy change

By Jackie Nevarez | September 15, 2014

Changes to the university’s Acceptable Use Policy have no set date, but they will be made by the Computing Facilities Advisory Committee and Brett Coryell, vice president and chief information officer, in the coming months.Acceptable Use PolicyAn Aug....

Bike rental course educates on safety

By Ryan Lee | September 14, 2014

Requiring students to know the Bicycle Rules of the Road before renting a bike is an integral part of NIU’s outstanding bike-share course on Blackboard.Bikes are available to rent to any student who passed the Blackboard safety quiz with 100 percent....

Weekly Gripe: NIU no good with graduation

By Danny Cozzi | April 24, 2014

I’ll be among the many to admit I rarely check my student email account.I don’t bother because I rarely get anything worth reading: Student Health 101, Blackboard announcements I see when I log in to Blackboard and endless English major scholarship...

Editorial: Prioritize needs of commuters

By Northern Star Editorial Board | April 1, 2014

With commuter students a significant part of NIU’s population, issues pertaining to commuting should be among the university’s top priorities.Commuter students often have problems parking with the limited amount of parking lots on campus. Commuters...

A student walks out of the cold and into Davis Hall during class hours Friday. Some faculty had to adjust the dates of what was planned for class.

Weather affects NIU curriculum

By Carlos Galvez | February 4, 2014

After harsh weather caused campus closures Jan. 27 and 28, professors and administrators have concerns about how it will affect their curriculum.In the event of more unplanned days, Paul Palian, Media and Public Relations director, said it will be up...