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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Dependent or independent: Check your income tax status

By Chelsey Boutan | February 28, 2012

Before filling out their income tax returns, students should make sure they talk with their parents first. Brad Cripe, assistant professor of accountancy, said the IRS could withhold your tax return or audit you if you don’t claim yourself as dependent...

Research Rookies focus on non-profit governance structure

Research Rookies focus on non-profit governance structure

By Lauren Dielman | January 24, 2012

Freshman accountancy major, Collin Thompson, said being a Research Rookie is all about commitment."Being a research rookie means to me that I am a hard worker," said Thompson, according to the Office of Student Engagement and Experiential Learning website....

Being financially independent may be easier than students think

By Chelsey Boutan | November 3, 2011

Brad Cripe, assistant professor of accounting, remembers what it was like to be a college student who was struggling financially. "I have a student loan bill that I will be paying off until I am well into my 60's, but I took out those loans because I...

Filing your taxes does not have to be scary

By Danny Ciamprone | April 13, 2011

DeKALB | Going to the dentist, having to report for jury duty and filing one's taxes are a few of the most dreaded tasks for some Americans. According to several tax professionals though, taxes are not as scary as most people make them out to be. Senaida...

Tax help available on campus and around DeKalb for students

By Joseph Olmo | January 27, 2011

Students in need of help with their taxes do not need to turn to their parents. There are resources students can use to get the help they need to file their income taxes. There are tax programs available online such as TurboTax, but for those who want...