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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Fourth ward alderman Brendon Gallagher steps down

By Ali Combs | April 9, 2013

Fourth ward alderman Brendon Gallagher will vacate his aldermanic seat at the end of this term, but he may not be done running for office permanently. Gallagher was elected to his seat on City Council in 2009. Over the last four years, he has consistently...

DeKalb set to host Santa in downtown tonight

By Samantha Brockett | November 28, 2012

Santa Claus is coming to town during a public meet and greet downtown today. Re:New DeKalb is hosting their annual holiday event at the Egyptian Theatre, 135 N. Second St., today. The event will begin at 6 p.m. with cookies, cocoa and caroling performed...

City Council, DARA works toward agreement on landlord-tenant codes

By Joe Palmer | November 14, 2012

Big changes in how landlords and the city handle rental properties are in the works. The DeKalb Area Rental Association (DARA) and DeKalb City Council have been entrenched in discussions regarding the future of landlord-tenant relations in the city. The...

T.J. Moore, Director of Public Works, gives an update on the construction of the new police station at DeKalb City Council on Monday night.

City Council met Monday to discuss planning of Olive Garden, construction of Police Station

By Michael Bergeron | October 23, 2012

DeKalb City Council met Monday night to discuss the terms of the Olive Garden development and the construction progress of the new police station. Darden Restaurants is looking to redevelop an about 5,700 sq. feet area currently owned by Small’s Furniture...

City Council to cast final votes on Olive Garden funding Monday

By Samantha Brockett | October 16, 2012

On Monday, the DeKalb City Council [DCC] will cast their final votes on the possible opening of an Olive Garden by fall 2013. The DCC voted to give the parent company of Olive Garden, Darden Restaurants, a $900,000 forgivable loan on Oct. 8. “The money...

Brendon Gallagher has held the DeKalb 4th Ward Alderman position since 2009 after previously serving as a board member for the village of Shabbona.

City Council discusses housing ordinances in special session Wed.

By Jessi Haish | October 10, 2012

City Council members discussed proposed housing ordinances during a special meeting Wednesday. The council discussed a three strike rule which could lead to interior inspections. Also discussed were planned sidewalk inspections and how to fund the new...


NIU absent from city meeting

By Jessi Haish | September 20, 2012

A discussion of safe and quality housing issues was open for public input Wednesday night at a special meeting of the DeKalb City Council. These issues include a crime-free lease addendum requirement, chronic nuisance ordinance enforcement, licensing...

The DeKalb 2nd Ward Alderman Tom Teresinski had several questions for the budget control loans over the construction of the new DeKalb Police Station.

City Council votes for $12.7M loan for new police station

By Ryan Felgenhauer | September 10, 2012

The DeKalb City Council discussed the possibilities for funding for the construction of the new police station at a meeting Monday. The discussion centered around $12.7 million in potential bonds, funds initially intended to complete the police station...

City Council votes to allow video gambling at some sites

By Ryan Felgenhauer | August 27, 2012

The DeKalb City Council approved the use of video gambling machines in certain establishments by a vote of 6-2 at a council meeting on Monday. These machines will be restricted to businesses holding a license to use them. The licensing process would be...

Alderperson won’t fly in DCC

By Linze Griebenow | April 30, 2012

“Personhood” is a fickle issue in DeKalb. The U.S. Supreme Court may have ruled that corporations are people, but DeKalb City Council isn’t ready to commit that women are people, too. Last week, during a Meeting of the Whole, 3rd Ward Alderwoman...

Mike Mudge, consultant for Rock River Energy Services, Co., discusses DeKalb County residents seeking third-party energy suppliers at the city council meeting Monday night.

Council approves NIU agreement

By Joe Palmer | April 23, 2012

The DeKalb City Council voted unanimously in favor of an agreement between the city and NIU’s Board of Trustees in a meeting Monday. The agreement would allow DeKalb City Manager Mark Biernacki to enter into an agreement to begin work on the DeKalb...

Northern Star File Photo - Second Ward Alderman Tom Teresinski
discusses the potential farmland use by the DeKalb Taylor Municipal
Airport, 3232 Pleasant St. during a city council meeting last

DeKalb City Council may hire new lobbying firm

By Felix Sarver | February 20, 2012

The DeKalb City Council will decide whether to hire a new lobbying firm on Feb. 27. During a Feb. 13 meeting the council interviewed two lobbying firms to represent DeKalb in Washington D.C.; the council settled on mCapitol Management. For the annual...