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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

A wall reading "My Pantry" resides in Neptune Dining Hall marking the spot for students who need special food accommodations. NIU has prepared on-the-go meals for students that are allergen free. (Sam Dion | Northern Star)

Finding food accommodations on campus

By Rachel Cormier, News Reporter | March 7, 2024

DeKALB – Shae McCabe, a sophomore musical education major, does not have time to run to the closest dining hall. But as a vegetarian with anemia, she said her choices of finding high-protein non-meat items on campus are already slim. McCabe is enrolled...

Stacia Tietje (left), a dietetic intern, and Nancy Prange, dietetic internship director, with packaged food collected by Huskie Harvest. Huskie Harvest was launched on Feb. 1 by Prange, in collaboration with Campus Dining Services.

Huskie Harvest aims to combat food waste

By Madelaine Vikse, Editor-in-Chief | April 25, 2023

DeKALB – Huskie Harvest is bringing food from table to pantry in order to help combat food waste at NIU. Huskie Harvest is a program that collects leftover food from catered events at NIU, packages it up into individual meals and gives it to the...

The entrance to Patterson Hall West. Rises to room and board fees were among the changes voted for approval by the Board of Trustees. (Tim Dodge | Northern Star)

Fees for housing, graduation, student support to rise

By Joseph Howerton, Video Editor | February 19, 2023

DeKALB – Starting the fiscal year of 2024, July 2023, room and board fees for Neptune Hall, Gilbert Hall, Grant Towers, Stevenson Towers and Patterson Hall will increase by $200, and room and board fees for Northern View will increase by $100. Increased...

NIU does its best to keep prices low for students, but with this recent inflation, some price hikes are inevitable.

Inflation-induced food price hike hits campus dining

By Colin Kempsell | August 28, 2022

DeKALB — As the price of food and groceries reach record highs in the nation, NIU’s Campus Dining Services is beginning to feel the effects of an historic shockwave of inflation. Students have begun to feel the impact of prices rising in grocery stores,...

NIU celebrates National Eating Disorder Awareness week

By Jamie O’Toole l Senior Reporter | February 21, 2020

Upon entering the residence halls around campus and the Holmes Student Center, students will find a display of mannequins accurately portraying faulty “ideal” body types that society has instilled in many people’s minds. The traveling display will...

Tevion Albert, first-year pre-physcial therapy major (from left), Chris Babicz first-year accounting major and Kellyanne Critzer first-year elementary education major wait in a long line of students Tuesday at New Hall Dining. 

Dining hall hours disappoint

By Kurt Bitting | September 8, 2019

When students returned to the dining halls for the fall semester, they found they no longer had around-the-clock access to affordable meals. While dining hall hours have been adjusted since first being limited, the reduced hours of operation create a...

Dining hall hours adjusted following student feedback

Dining hall hours adjusted following student feedback

By Ahyen Labanan | September 5, 2019

Dining hall hours have been modified again, following the first week of operation under the previous hours. Dan Koenen, executive director for campus dining services said these adjustments were made after Campus Dining Services received feedback from...

Image Courtesy Pixabay

Five Days of Eating Vegan: Day Four

By Sarah Lalond | December 5, 2018

Image Courtesy Pixabay

Dining Services celebrates National Homemade Cookie Day today

By Northern Star staff | September 30, 2016

Campus Dining Services will celebrate National Homemade Cookie Day 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. today in all of the dorm dining halls.The NIU bakery will have plenty of fresh cookies prepared for anyone who wants to join. Toppings and frosting will be available...