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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Missing ceiling tiles and visible water damage in Reavis Hall, Room 311. Reportedly, tiles have fallen from the ceiling as a result of the damage to the roof. English Department Chair Amy Levin said she was worried about how mold from the roof damage may affect people's health.

Reavis Hall to undergo emergency repairs

By Felix Sarver | September 26, 2012

After exceeding its expected 20-year lifespan and withstanding a year-long delay, the roof of Reavis Hall may be repaired Friday. The roof of Reavis Hall was installed in 1985, said Paul Palian, director of media and public relations. Roof replacement...

Zulauf ceiling leaks cause problems for 10th floor

By Ryan Felgenhauer | September 12, 2011

The ceiling of Zulauf Hall's 10th floor has a noticeable leak. The problem has existed on Zulauf's top floor for some time. "The ceilings have been leaking since I got here," said Scott Balcerzak, assistant professor of film and literature. "And I've...