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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Besides selling the work of artists like Ed Sheehan and The Beatles, Green Tangerine also sells the music of local musicians.

Record store provides local artists’ music

By Jamie O’Toole | December 4, 2019

Besides selling the work of artists like Ed Sheehan and The Beatles, the store also sells the music of local musicians.

Head brewer John Sanderson shows some of the various instruments used to create microbrew craft beers.

Sycamore brewery opens downtown

By Jessie Kern | July 23, 2018

DeKALB — A Sycamore business has relocated to downtown DeKalb after transitioning from a brew pub to a microbrewery.Forge Brew House, 216 N. 6 St., had a soft opening March 17 and grand opening March 24. The Sycamore location, previously on Airport...

Marlene Nevarez, 22, is pictured with her family. Marlene said she has a great support system as she battles stage four, metastatic breast cancer.

Student battles breast cancer

By Julia Martinez | May 9, 2016

Marlene Nevarez, 22, is pictured with her family. Marlene said she has a great support system as she battles stage four, metastatic breast cancer.

Students and community members demonstrate Oct. 29 in the Martin Luther King Jr. Commons for an end to the Illinois budget impasse between Gov. Bruce Rauner and the General Assembly. The Student Association will begin a letter-writing campaign Friday so students can send their grievances to lawmakers. 

Students demonstrate for end to budget stall

By Maxwell Bisaillon and Nick Bosshart | November 2, 2015

Dillon Domke, Student Association Senate Speaker, said he will meet with Bethany Vanover, SA Senate Legislative Director, this week to see what the SA’s next steps will be after Thursday’s rally.Approximately 200 students and community members filled...

Dillon Domke, Student Association Senate Speaker, talks during an SA Senate meeting Sunday. The SA has invited students from Northeastern University, College of DuPage and Kishwaukee College, amongst others, to participate in a rally during Gov. Bruce Rauner’s visit to NIU on Thursday.

SA asks schools to join in on rally

By Rachel Scaman | October 26, 2015

The Student Association has reached out to students at other Illinois colleges and universities to participate in Thursday’s rally during Gov. Bruce Rauner’s visit to NIU.The SA has contacted Northeastern Illinois University, DePaul University, College...

NIU track and field: Huskies compete at Chicagoland Outdoor Championships

By Tyler Tangney | April 10, 2015

Track and field will compete in the Chicagoland Outdoor Championships this weekend for its second-straight meet in Illinois.The meet begins noon Friday and continues 9 a.m. Saturday.Sophomore Claudette Day, senior Latesha Bigby and sophomore Logan Tillmon...

Forensics team members win awards at ‘Frankly Speaking’ tournament

By Kelly Bauer | January 23, 2012

Several Forensics Team members won awards at the College of DuPage's "Frank-ly Speaking" tournament in Glen Ellyn.On Friday, Daria Skrzypczynski and Joel Thalla scored an undefeated victory against four opponents in a Lincoln Parliamentary League-style...