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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Comcast to install 40 hot spots throughout city

By Northern Star staff | November 10, 2015

Comcast announced plans Monday to install more than 40 Xfinity WiFi hot spots throughout DeKalb.The installments will add to the almost 7,000 hot spots in city businesses, homes and outdoor locations.“The addition of WiFi hot spots is a great amenity...

Weekly Gripe: Campus Internet in city overdue

By Carl Nadig | October 23, 2014

NIU should’ve started expanding its wireless network to the downtown DeKalb area years ago to strengthen the relationship between the campus and city, establishing a “communiversity” with the campus Internet as the link.The Division of Information...

Master your domain: owe no gold

By Dan Martynowicz | January 30, 2012

"The Man," more commonly known as ComEd, Comcast, Nicor and your apartment complex, expects you to pay your bills. They want their money, and they want it on time. Or else.Paying bills isn't fun, but it is awesome. Allow me to explain. 1) Staying out...

Do you want a dump truck full of money

By Aaron Brooks | January 17, 2012

I, over winter break, unshackled myself from Comcast's monolithic grasp. I will miss "Archer" and "Justified," but there is no justification for a cable and Internet bill totaling near $100 a month. After all, Comcast's last innovation was Video on Demand,...

Comcast has some issues it needs to address

By Colin Remes | November 7, 2011

With Comcast's acquisition of NBC from General Electric, there was concern from both the FTC and the FCC about the effects on the rest of the television/media market in America. There was concern prior to the deal that this would make Comcast a monopoly.There...

Jerry Burnes | Northern Star Junior marketing major Josh Bricker
helps move students in at Lincoln Hall Thursday afternoon.

Move-In Day gets students ready for the semester ahead

By Dave Gong and Ryan Felgenhauer | August 21, 2011

DeKALB | NIU students and their families flocked to DeKalb Thursday for Move-In Day. They were met by student volunteers who helped unload cars and deliver students to their new rooms. Several students and their families described the move-in process...

Students have a say in NIU branding

By Shaun Zinck | November 10, 2010

Current students can have a say in the future branding of NIU. A 45-person subcommittee headed by Kathy Buettner, vice president of University Relations, selected 12 tag lines, one of which will be used for recruiting future students. Buettner said she...

Letter to the Editor: Tony Martin’s articles are trash journalism

By Letter Writer | October 4, 2010

I have read several of Tony Martin's articles now, and I cannot fathom why the Northern Star allows this man to continue writing for the publication.His articles are the epitome of stilted journalism, and not the kind that I would expect to see on the...

Is Comcast’s customer service located in Hell?

By Jessica Jenks | September 26, 2010

I like to think of myself as an understanding person.I realize that everyone has bad days. When someone is unexpectedly short with me or cuts me off while driving, I assure myself something more important than me is going on in his or her life. Maybe...

Comcast’s ‘gruesome’ video of dead athlete uncalled for

By Tony Martin | September 22, 2010

I was raised by a pack of tree-hugging, violence-hating liberals.I couldn’t play with guns as a kid, and the evening news is more offensive to my family than any Tarantino splatter-fest.As a result of this, I tend to be a bit over-sensitive and saddened...