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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The women's track and field and cross country team poses for a photo during its time volunteering at Corn Fest in downtown DeKalb.

Track and field, cross country and baseball teams contribute most community service hours among sports teams

By Jemea Green | January 27, 2020

DeKALB — Student-athletes at NIU racked up a total of 5,150 community service hours during the 2018-2019 academic year.Giving back and connecting with the community is important to NIU, according to the annual Athletics report which documents the hours...

Northern Star contributor Alma Garcia (fifth from left) stands in 2008 with native Malawian teenagers 2008 in Chitunda, Malawi.

That time I volunteered to build a school in Malawi, Africa

By Alma Garcia | January 15, 2020

Northern Star contributor Alma Garcia (fifth from left) stands in 2008 with native Malawian teenagers 2008 in Chitunda, Malawi.

Service opportunity available at Communiversity Gardens

By Northern Star staff | September 28, 2016

Honors students will have the opportunity to volunteer for community service 4 to 6 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays through Oct. 27 at the Communiversity Gardens located on the east side of Anderson Hall.The garden is cared for by a network of students, faculty...

Students: Don’t volunteer for causes only for resume

By Marilou Terrones | November 18, 2014

While community service is beneficial for gaining experience, students shouldn’t volunteer unless they’re passionate about the issue they’re supporting.From last Saturday through Sunday, participants in National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness...

War hero continues community service in DeKalb

War hero continues community service in DeKalb

By Ryan Chodora | March 25, 2013

Rob Larkins, local war hero and family man, continues to serve the community with his physical therapy expertise. Larkins has served with the military all over the world, and is now a staff physical therapist and partner at Northern Rehab, 232 W. Lincoln...

NIU almuna expresses her love for DeKalb through writings

By Ryan Chodora | March 17, 2013

Jo Fredell Higgins has used her writing skills to promote the history of local communities, including DeKalb. Born and raised in Peoria, Higgins is a teacher, photographer and an internationally published writer; she has always had a passion for writing....

Volunteer fair offers opportunities for student involvement

By Felix Sarver | September 13, 2011

Students can expect many opportunities at the Volunteer Fair hosted by Student Involvement and Leadership Development (SILD) at 3 p.m. today in the Stevenson Towers Food Court. The fair is an annual event organized by Becky Harlow, assistant director...

DeKalb community service scholarship applications being accepted

By Northern Star staff | February 16, 2011

The DeKalb County Community Services Department and Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity are offering community service scholarships for 2011-2012. According to a press release issued Monday, applications for the 2011-2012 Community...