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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Fiesta shows Latino Culture in DeKalb

By Katie Charland | September 22, 2013

Latino heritage pride brought vendors and dancing to downtown DeKalb this weekend.Conexion Comunidad hosted its annual fiesta Saturday.“It’s a great event,” said Dan Kennui, 59, of DeKalb, with a smile on his face as he looked around at the people...

Dr. Emily Prieto

Non-profit looks to promote Latino culture

By Erin Kolb | February 19, 2013

Conexión Comunidad, 637 N. 11th St., is a DeKalb-based organization that aims to educate the Latino community and promote cultural awareness through art and dance. According to Kristina Garcia, board president of Conexión Comunidad, the organization...

Wanda Wynes, Northern Illinois University Foundation Assistant
Controller, works her cardiovascular system on a stair stepper at
the YMCA, 2500 Bethany Road in Sycamore, Monday night.

Local exercise experts help students stay in shape

By Olivia Willoughby | October 24, 2011

The sweet treats-filled Halloween and hefty helpings of Thanksgiving are coming up, but working off the extra weight doesn't have to be a challenge. FitWorkz, 1690 Sycamore Road, is the largest health club in the DeKalb area, said owner Ray Binkowski....

Live Lunch amps up DeKalb’s Farmers Market

By Heather Skrip | June 20, 2011

Thursday afternoon in Van Buer Plaza means more than just DeKalb's Farmers Market now that the Live Lunch Music Series is in full swing. The event, produced by the Egyptian Theatre for the third year, provides the weekly farmers market with local entertainment....

Project Prom works to make younger girls’ dreams come true

By Takia Simpson | February 15, 2011

Got prom dresses? The NIU Women's Resource Center is teaming with the NIU Honors Program to collect used prom gowns that will be donated to girls in the DeKalb community. Project Prom will be collecting gowns in the Women's Resource Center until Thursday....

Students volunteer at Conexion Comunidad

By Leah Spagnoli | November 29, 2010

Honors student Lauren Sikes said she volunteers every week in order to give back and work with students in the community. NIU honors students volunteer at the Conexion Comunidad, 637 11th St., from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays....