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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Pass/Fail: Campus Wi-Fi trying to go to city; Fair offers little hope for fine arts

By Taylor Reese | October 22, 2014

Pass: Campus Wi-Fi trying to go to cityThe university is taking steps to expand its Wi-Fi.Areas around Huskie Stadium and downtown DeKalb may get Wi-Fi if CIO Brett Coryell’s ideas come to fruition.If NIU doesn’t extend its Internet, DeKalb could...

What corporate mergers mean for students

By Cody Laplante | February 3, 2013

A merge is a marriage of two businesses. The latest nuptial is between two major international companies: InBev and Grupo Modelo. You’ve heard of them right? No? Well, I bet you know their products. InBev, the producers of the beers Busch and Budweiser,...

Should corporations be protected under the constitution? Yes.

By Parker Happ | September 28, 2011

Having benefitted from the Bush tax cuts, and roughly 10 years of derailing government oversight, the American corporate world as it exists today would make Gordon Gekko blush. Certainly, American corporations proved growth is possible in even today's...

Should corporations be protected under the constitution? No.

By Aaron Brooks | September 28, 2011

The focus of today's debate rests in the Supreme Court's 2010 decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. In that decision, the court overturned a century of precedent excluding corporations from "free" speech and legislation setting limits...

Corporations’ Sept. 11 commercials are inappropriate

By Aaron Brooks | September 13, 2011

This past weekend I was really proud of local governments and community groups throughout this great nation. The numerous community events they planned gave time for us Americans to unite and have fun with our loved ones.Although family time this weekend...

Genetically modified foods might not be as safe as you think

June 23, 2011

Right now, you can go into any grocery store and buy genetically modified (GM) food without even realizing it. GM foods were introduced into grocery stores in the mid-1990s and were designed to increase output of crops by allowing foods to grow faster...

Most Americans don’t agree with the Republican agenda

By Letter writer | April 4, 2011

It is time for the Americans to fight back. The Republican agenda is very clear as they have been emboldened by their recent electoral gains. They continue their attack on workers, unions and the middle class. They attack unions because they are the last...

Corporations should not be treated as individuals

Corporations should not be treated as individuals

By Nathan Fulkerson | March 7, 2011

A century-old battle has been fought over the concept of "corporate personhood," a political construction that grants corporations the same rights afforded to human beings. On its face, corporate personhood is a matter of logistics--corporations are...