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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Mac Miller performs at Convocation Center Saturday

Mac Miller performs at Convocation Center Saturday

By Cory Boston | September 16, 2012

Malcolm James McCormick, known by his stage name "Mac Miller," performs at the Convocation Center on Saturday, Sept. 15, for his Macadelic Tour. The show featured opening performances from YG and Travis Porter. The show amazed the crowd with energy, light...

Butler Organic Farms

Butler Organic Farms

By Cory Boston | September 4, 2012

Paul Butler, of Butler Organic Farms in DeKalb, prepares his combine for soy beans after a day of harvesting oats. Butler said that after this summer’s drought, his hay crop production is down 50 percent, wheat fields are down just a little from last...