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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Annual Country Music Show and “Toys for Tots” Toy Drive returns to DeKalb

By Northern Star Staff | November 29, 2018

DeKALB — For the 49th consecutive year, DeKalb resident Gary Mullis will host the Country Music Show and “Toys for Tots” Toy Drive.The event will take place from 1:30 to 5 p.m. Sunday at the Taylor Street Plaza High Rise, 507 East Taylor Street....

Pass/Fail: Country concert scheduled for February; Tickets for shows at Convo too expensive

By Carl Nadig | November 20, 2014

Pass: Country concert scheduled for FebruaryIt’s beneficial for students and efforts to boost university engagement when there’s a concert booked at the Convocation Center.Earlier this week, singer-songwriter Brad Paisley announced a performance to...

Brad Paisley performs on stage at the 48th annual CMA Awards at the Bridgestone Arena on Wednesday, Nov. 5, 2014, in Nashville, Tenn.

Brad Paisley coming to Convocation Center, tickets go on sale Friday

By Northern Star Staff | November 17, 2014

Country singer Brad Paisley will perform 7:30 p.m. Feb. 5 at the Convocation Center, NIU has announced.Paisley’s Country Nation World Tour will include performances from Parmalee and The Swon Brothers. Tickets start at $39.75 and go on sale 10 a.m....

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Take pride in your country

By AJ Edwards | April 24, 2013

Patriotism is something I hold dear to my heart. I understand America is not perfect and probably will never be, but whenever I see an American flag fly I feel a strong sense of pride in being an American and I love seeing others like me. For my flag...

Country artist to perform at Convocation Center

By Northern Star Staff | October 1, 2012

Country artist Phil Vassar will perform at the Convocation Center Nov. 17, according to NIU Today. Doors open at 6 p.m., and the concert begins at 7 p.m. DJ Waldo and DeKalb’s own Back Country Roads will be the opening acts. Tickets go on sale 10 a.m....


What happened to the music industry?

By Colin Remes | March 20, 2012

The music industry has certainly changed over the past 15 years, and in my opinion, not at all for the better. The advancements of technology have allowed digital distribution to expand exponentially, in particular illegal downloading, and it has caused...

The US needs to cut defense spending and condense the military

By Aaron Brooks | April 12, 2011

Have we learned anything over the past 10 years? May God have mercy on our souls because we have not. In 2010, the total amount of money appropriated for both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars equaled over a trillion dollars, according to the Congressional...