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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Jonamac Orchard, 1942 Shabbona Road, Malta, will be having food trucks and live music there this Saturday.

Jonamac Orchard invites students for Family Weekend

By Jacob Roushia | October 3, 2019

The Jonomac Orchard, 1942 Shabbona Road, Malta, will be hosting different events throughout the weekend which NIU students may attend.

Students listen to speakers during a rally that was held during Gov. Bruce Rauner's Oct. 29 visit to NIU. 

DeKalb County Nonprofit Partnership to hold economic crisis meeting

By Northern Star staff | November 3, 2015

The DeKalb County Nonprofit Partnership (DCNP) is holding a community economic crisis meeting Thursday to discuss the lack of state funding.The meeting will provide information about the Illinois budget crisis and how it is impacting local citizens. The...

Task force tackles hot spots in city

By Lark Lewis | February 6, 2014

With temperatures dropping below zero this winter, a city-wide task force is making plans for permanent warming centers.Dave Miller, the Family Service Agency’s executive director, is the head of the task force that will join local organizations to...