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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Photos from a WNIJ public records request to the DeKalb County Health Department. Photos were sent to Health Department officials at various times via email since 2016. Photos and emails do not reflect internal remedial efforts made in response by Suburban management or maintenance crews, and it’s unclear whether management was made aware of tenant concerns before tenants reached out to the health department.

Tenants living in unincorporated apartments report health concerns to county

By Sarah Jesmer | December 9, 2019

Editor's note: This story is part of a collaboration with WNIJ. Listen to this story's radio broadcast here. Read News Editor Noah Thornburgh's story here. Listen to WNIJ's broadcast on why we came to this story here.DeKALB — County renters and landlords...

DeKalb Police uncover 48 pounds of cocaine

By Jessi Haish | September 30, 2013

DeKalb | Two Arizona men are being held after being found with 48 pounds of cocaine.Terance T. Prigge, 53, of Phoenix, and Matthew B. Gruender, 52, of Phoenix, are being held on bond of $10 million each.At 10:26 p.m. Sept. 21, DeKalb police received a...

DeKalb County Sheriff Toby Jennings and his police dog, Kane, visit Tailsapalooza Saturday.

TAILS host day of fun with animals

By Junae Bennett | May 8, 2011

DeKALB | TAILS Humane Society, 2250 Barber Greene Road, had its sixth annual TAILSapalooza Saturday. At TAILSapalooza, there were many dog demonstrations and other displays. The first demonstration was an agility test; another demonstration was the difference...