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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

NIU President Doug Baker (left) and Provost Lisa Freeman speak at the Board of Trustees special meeting Thursday at Altgeld Hall. The trustees approved the potential school of nursing, which now has to be approved by the Illinois Board of Higher Education.

Trustees approve new school of nursing

By Alexander Chettiath | February 22, 2016

NIU President Doug Baker (left) and Provost Lisa Freeman speak at the Board of Trustees special meeting Thursday at Altgeld Hall. The trustees approved the potential school of nursing, which now has to be approved by the Illinois Board of Higher Education.

Chance to smoke in cars should be given

By Rachel Scaman | January 28, 2015

Students should be given the chance to smoke in their cars when the Smoke-Free Campus Act goes into effect July 1.The Smoke-Free Campus Act prohibits smoking in indoor and outdoor areas of college campuses in Illinois. The NIU Smoke-Free Campus Task Force,...

Junior communication major Danny Albers smokes a cigarette outside of DuSable Hall Jan. 22. NIU must implement a campus smoking ban to be compliant with the Smoke-Free Campus Act by July 1.

Smoke-free campus task force proposes policy to end tobacco use at NIU

By Jackie Nevarez | January 22, 2015

Some Faculty Senate members questioned how NIU will implement a policy presented Wednesday to make the campus smoke-free.The Smoke-Free Campus Act, which goes in to effect July 1, prohibits smoking in indoor and outdoor areas of college campuses in Illinois....