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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Student plays first House Cafe show

By Morgan Carrigan | October 1, 2015

Tremel Hoover, popularly known as Tremel J, will take his vocal mastery to the next level at the House Cafe on Friday.Hoover, senior general studies major, is no rookie to soul music. He was named NIU’s best singer in April for the E.B.O.N.Y. Women’s...

Senior Novella Blackmon creates a poster for a rally held Tuesday in the Martin Luther King Jr. Commons. Students at the rally called for unity and an end to inequality and police brutality. “The purpose of this rally is to awaken the ones who are sleep and bring light to darkness,” Blackmon said.

Black students rally for safety, equality

By Kelly Bauer & Andre Phillips | April 30, 2015

Stephen Samuels, graduate adult and higher education student, speaks during a Tuesday rally in the Martin Luther King Jr. Commons. Samuels encouraged students to be safe in light of the death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore.

E.B.O.N.Y. award show raises $500

E.B.O.N.Y. award show raises $500

By Allison Krecek | April 13, 2014

E.B.O.N.Y. Women honored the popularity of social media at its Instagrammy Awards Thursday.The Instagrammys began on Instagram to get students’ attention about upcoming awards. Students could nominate Instagram users in categories like Best Instagram...

Campus wears pink for breast cancer walk

By Roxana Moraga | October 6, 2013

Students marched across campus, pink balloons in hand, to raise breast cancer awareness Saturday.The John H. Clarke Honors Society, along with other campus organizations, held a breast cancer walk in celebration of those who are fighting the disease or...