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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Junior communication major Danny Albers smokes a cigarette outside of DuSable Hall Jan. 22. NIU must implement a campus smoking ban to be compliant with the Smoke-Free Campus Act by July 1.

Smoke-free campus task force proposes policy to end tobacco use at NIU

By Jackie Nevarez | January 22, 2015

Some Faculty Senate members questioned how NIU will implement a policy presented Wednesday to make the campus smoke-free.The Smoke-Free Campus Act, which goes in to effect July 1, prohibits smoking in indoor and outdoor areas of college campuses in Illinois....

Governor to sign same-sex marriage bill Wednesday

By Stoney Stone | November 19, 2013

Gov. Pat Quinn will sign the Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act Wednesday amid conflicting views.The bill will allow same-sex couples the right to wed as soon as June 1, and the signing will be open to the public. Local politicians opposed the...

Presentation on issues facing Latina women to be held Nov. 12

By Northern Star Staff | October 31, 2012

A talk on issues facing Latina women will be hosted by the Women’s Law Caucus and Latino/a Law Students Association, said Helen Mellas, 1L representative to Women’s Law Caucus, in an email. The talk will be held at 6 p.m. Nov. 12 at Swen Parson Hall’s...