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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Fill in the Blank: The idea WWIII is on the way ________?

By Northern Star Staff | May 4, 2017

Recent missile tests conducted by North Korea have put the idea of World War III in the heads of many Americans. ... should concern people.Faith Mellenthin | ColumnistJust as the travel ban affected students at NIU, we should realize that the potential...

President Donald Trump speaks during a signing ceremony for executive orders regarding trade in the Oval Office at the White House March 31 in Washington.

Fill in the Blank: Trump’s repeal of internet privacy regulations is _____.

By Northern Star Staff | April 10, 2017

On April 3, President Donald Trump signed a bill repealing internet privacy laws that would have gone into effect in December, according to a April 3 Time article....none of his business.Faith Mellenthin | ColumnistPresident Donald Trump’s repeal of...

Fill in the blank: The condom tax reduction bill is ____ .

By Perspective Staff | March 23, 2017

Illinois Sen. Toi Hutchinson introduced a bill that would lower the sales tax on condoms from 6.25 percent to 1 percent, according to the Illinois General Assembly website.Faith Mellenthin | Columnist... a step in the right direction.Condoms are being...

Fill in the blank: The proposed First Amendment Defense Act _____.

By Perspective Staff | February 27, 2017

...combines church and state.Maritza Huerta | ColumnistThis bill protects religious groups and individuals who believe the sanctity of marriage remains solely between men and women, according to a Feb. 3 PBS article. The article also states that it’s...