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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

LGBTQ + Flag for the rights of pride and sexuality

Campus Pride Index recognizes NIU for being LGBTQ friendly

By Elisa Reamer | March 3, 2022
NIU received a five out of five score on the Campus Pride Index scale. The university was recognized for being a safe and inclusive campus.

Disney adds more depth to characters

By Northern Star Editorial Board | March 23, 2017

Disney’s inclusion of gay characters in its live-action remake of “Beauty and the Beast” should serve as an example to all producers of entertainment.The Editorial Board applauds Disney’s representation of LeFou as an average supporting role rather...

The U.S. is falling behind on same-sex marraige

By Brenda Krause | May 1, 2013

Twelve years ago the Netherlands became the first country to legalize same-sex marriage. Since then, several countries have followed in the same progressive footsteps. It has been a triumphant decade for LGBT communities all over the world. More recently,...

Charles Schumann and Tammy Taylor talk about how the men and women members of the gay community did not get along during their time at NIU during an open discussion with alumni in the Diversions Lounge held by the LGBT resource center Monday evening.

Alumni discuss experiences during LGBTQ panel

By Hailey Kurth | April 9, 2012

Alumni spoke of their experiences before, during, and after attending NIU at the first annual Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning (LGBTQ) Alumni Panel Monday night. “We wanted current students to have an opportunity to find out what...

Sexual orientation still prevents blood donation

By Faith Healy & Ross Hettel | September 19, 2011

With several blood drives planned this month, the issue of banning homosexual men from donating blood will again come to light. For 28 years, according to a New York Times article, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned homosexual men, or "males...

Cuba Transgender Wedding

Cuba Transgender Wedding

By Franklin Reyes (AP Photo) | August 31, 2011

Just married transsexual Wendy Iriepa, right, and Ignacio Estrada ride in a classic car holding up a gay rights banner in Havana, Cuba, Saturday Aug. 13, 2011. Iriepa, whose sex change operation was paid for by the state, tied the knot with Estrada in...

DVD box art for the documentary 'Fagbug' that chronicles Erin Davies journey across America in her car, which was vandalized with homophobic slurs. 'Fagbug' will be shown at NIU tonight at 7 p.m.

‘Fagbug’ documentary hits NIU

By Jerene-Elise Nall | October 24, 2010

Here comes the Fagbug. The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Resource Center, United Campus Ministries, and the Lutheran Campus Ministry will host Find the Fagbug, an event and documentary screening going on today at NIU as part of LGBT History...