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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

In win for Amazon, judge freezes work on Pentagon contract


NEW YORK (AP) — A federal judge on Thursday ordered a temporary halt of Microsoft's work on a $10 billion military cloud contract, a win for Amazon, which sued the U.S. government last year for awarding the contract to its rival.Amazon's lawsuit, filed...

Amazon wants to question Trump over losing $10B contract bid

By MATT O’BRIEN | February 10, 2020

Amazon wants President Donald Trump to submit to questioning over the tech company's losing bid for a $10 billion military contract.The Pentagon awarded the cloud computing project to Microsoft in October. Amazon later sued, arguing that Trump's interference...

Iraqi officials: US will grant vital Iran sanctions waiver

By QASSIM ABDUL-ZAHRA and SAMYA KULLAB | February 10, 2020

BAGHDAD (AP) — The United States has signaled to Iraq its willingness to extend sanctions waivers enabling the country to continue importing vital Iranian gas and electricity imports, three Iraqi officials said this week, a move that would be a key...

Winds topple US border wall being built; it falls in Mexico

January 30, 2020

CALEXICO, Calif. (AP) — A portion of border wall being built in California toppled in strong winds, falling on a busy street on the Mexican side, authorities said Thursday. No one was injured.Concrete had not yet dried on several panels of steel poles...

Greece plans floating border barrier to stop migrants

By DEREK GATOPOULOS | January 29, 2020

ATHENS, Greece (AP) — The government in Greece wants to use a floating barrier to help stop migrants from reaching the Greek islands from the nearby coast of Turkey.The Defense Ministry has invited private contractors to bid on supplying a 2.7-kilometer-long...