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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

SA Senate approves eight directors

By Ashley Morse | April 27, 2015

Correction: The Northern Star incorrectly reported the names of two Student Association director positions as the director of Student Affairs and director of Community Service. The correct titles are director of Student Life and director of Organizational...

Student Association Senator David White discusses his bill to move SA executive elections to online voting during Sunday’s SA Senate meeting in the Holmes Student Center, Sky Room. White said online voting would increase voter participation, but other senators said turnout would be better increased with advertising.

SA Senate moves voting online

By Ashley Morse | March 2, 2015

After a nearly 90-minute debate on the effectiveness of online voting, the Student Association Senate passed a bill, 20-12, that would allow students to vote online for the SA executive election.Polling stations in DuSable Hall, the Holmes Student Center,...

SA Senator David White

Officials want 5K turnout for Student Association executive elections

By Ashley Morse | February 23, 2015

Student Association Senator David White said he hopes to increase turnout to 5,000 students as the newly appointed SA election board’s commissioner.As commissioner, White is responsible for hiring poll workers, administering elections, holding a debate...