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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Henry Rollins

Punk rock icon rolls through DeKalb

By Connor Rice | March 31, 2011

“I guess you kind of had to be there.” We’ve all told those stories. Something humorous and unexpected happens to us in our everyday lives, but we can never quite recapture the essence of the situation when relating it to friends. This is what sets...

Legendary singer, writer, actor, talk show host and general figure Henry Rollins will take the stage in front of a sold-out crowd to add another spoken word performance to his lengthy résumé Thursday night.

Black Flag alum Henry Rollins takes a break from “eight day work week” to talk about it

March 30, 2011

Punk rock royalty is about to muscle its way into town. Tonight, legendary singer, writer, actor, talk show host and general figure Henry Rollins will take the stage in front of a sold-out crowd to add another spoken word performance to his lengthy résumé....

So much to do in DeKalb this Thursday

By Connor Rice | March 28, 2011

Thirsty Thursday not your thing? This Thursday, NIU and downtown DeKalb will play host to several concerts and performances. With such a wide and striking variety of acts converging on us at the same time, the classic "nothing to do" standby won't be...

DeKalb showgoers have their own ‘March madness’

By Connor Rice | March 6, 2011

I've got March madness. While I don't follow college basketball, this month still has so much to offer someone like me. The next 24 days are jam-packed with enough awesome concerts and events to keep me plenty excited to stick around DeKalb and take it...

Gang mentalities hurt DIY music

By Tony Martin | February 27, 2011

I've spent years of my life watching music everywhere, from clubs to living rooms. In the last few months, however, I've watched the small do-it-yourself (DIY) show space in my town turn into a battleground for "gangs." Not gangs in the traditional sense,...

Finding your place in the local scene may open doors

By Connor Rice | January 31, 2011

I never thought that changing my major would allow me to meet my heroes. In the coming months, I will be interviewing Henry Rollins for the Northern Star. Rollins, who was the volatile frontman for the legendary punk band Black Flag, has provided me with...

Kickstand Productions brings two big acts to DeKalb

By Tony Martin | January 25, 2011

Kickstand Productions has announced two huge shows coming to Otto's this spring. First and foremost, ‘80s punk/hardcore icon Henry Rollins will perform March 31 at Otto's, 118 E. Lincoln Highway. Rollins was the lead singer for the legendary Black Flag...