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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Pop culture finds way into new courses

By Allison Krecek | December 4, 2013

Listening to Tupac, reading the Hunger Games and playing Dungeons and Dragons are all things students can do in classes coming next semester.The College of Education has created 15 classes available to all. The courses have been promoted through posters...

Pass/Fail: Dragons, Tupac, Hunger Games to appear in spring curriculum, Illinois lawmakers pass pension reform at state workers’ expense

By Danny Cozzi | December 3, 2013

Pass: Dragons, Tupac, Hunger Games to appear in spring curriculumThe College of Education has unveiled 15 intriguing classes that relate to pop culture topics, according to today’s article in the Northern Star.Considering the fact that I spend a rather...

Don’t judge a book by its movie

By Holly New | October 3, 2012

Have you ever seen a movie based on a book by Stephen King? If so, forget everything you saw and go read the book. I’ll wait. Generally, movie adaptations are arguably—and I am arguing—worse than their book counterparts. I have rarely seen a movie...