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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

New campus bus systems are inefficient

By Angelina McNeela | September 1, 2014

The traffic congestion caused by new Huskie Bus routes is grinding the gears of cyclists and stopping pedestrians in their tracks.In the spring, students, faculty and campus leaders met in the Holmes Student Center to collaborate on the Master Plan Thesis....

NIU Mobile App makes improvements

By Joe Palmer | March 28, 2012

The NIU Mobile App is getting a face lift with some major improvements, including access to the campus Huskie Bus tracker, Huskie Tracks. The revised app hit both the Android and Apple app stores earlier this month. The app is free to download and includes...

NIU launches its first smartphone app

By Shelby Devitt | July 12, 2011

DeKALB | NIU launched NIU Mobile, a new free application for smartphones, in anticipation of the upcoming school year.The NIU Mobile website allows users to select their type of phone to view a list of the features included in the new app and previews...