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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

First- and Second-Year Experience’s Interfaith Conversations to introduce attendees to belief systems

By Kristin Maglabe | February 2, 2015

First- and Second-Year Experience is holding a series of seminars known as the Interfaith Conversations to introduce belief systems to attendees.The conversations are 7-8:30 p.m Wednesday, Feb. 11, 18, 25 and March 4 in the Founders Memorial Library staff...

Pass/Fail: Students learn about genocide on trip & Quinn freezes lawmakers’ salaries

By Danny Cozzi | July 23, 2013

What current events pass? Which ones fail? Here’s one of each by Perspective Editor Danny Cozzi.Pass: Understanding genocide: Students travel to Netherlands to study atrocious crimesStudents traveled to the Hague, Netherlands, with history professor...

NIU President Doug Baker and Denise Schoenbachler, dean of the College of Business, relax and share a laugh during a break while filming a greeting video July 2 inside Barsema Hall.

Beginning of a new era: Baker starts at NIU

By Ali Combs | July 9, 2013

Nearly 2,000 miles from home, NIU President Doug Baker found his way to his new home at Altgeld Hall to tackle a list of initiatives and lead NIU into a new era.Before his official first day as NIU president, Baker spent a full week working on campus,...

Honors pursues unique experiences for students with new leader

By Ali Combs | July 8, 2013

University Honors is to expand its student engagement opportunities with J.D. Bowers, the new associate vice provost of University Honors, leading the way.Bowers wants to give students unique experiences and create a program more focused on interdisciplinary...