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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Tattoo shop helps PR class

By Rachel Scaman | November 25, 2013

DeKalb Tattoo Company will decide on winners of its logo contest during Thanksgiving break.Each year, students from Advanced Public Relations help a local business or nonprofit organization with public relations services. This semester, one group decided...

Show support for vets throughout entire year

By AJ Edwards | November 12, 2013

Even though Veterans Day comes once a year, it’s never the wrong time to show your support and respect to veterans in your community. The holiday is a good opportunity to thank servicemen and women, but it’s just a reminder of the behavior we should...

Students feel effects of changing weather

By Perri Killam | April 9, 2012

Illinois’ weather has brought both chills and heat to NIU recently. After some unseasonably warm weather, and then a bout of cold weather shortly after, students and staff are wondering how the air conditioning on campus operates. “Mother Nature doesn’t...