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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Healthcare scholarship open for local high schoolers

By Northern Star staff | November 19, 2015

The DeKalb County Community Foundation will award the James and Marjorie Lehan Scholarship to graduates at DeKalb and Sycamore High Schools beginning in spring 2016.The Lehan family has provided healthcare to patients in DeKalb County for the last 70...

Silent auction to aid non-profits

By Erin Kolb | November 13, 2013

Kishwaukee United Way’s Taste of the Vine will have 10,000 more sponsors today than it did last year.Kishwaukee United Way will host its 12th annual Taste of the Vine event today to raise money for more than 20 local non-profit organizations. The event...

Free flu shots available in Dekalb

By Jessica Wells | January 19, 2011

With the peak season for influenza right around the corner, area establishments are offering free flu shots to anyone who has not been vaccinated this year. Jim Lehan, business director at Lehan Drugs, 1407 S. Fourth St., said they began offering flu...