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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Mason wants eatery added to laundromat

By Mitchell Spence | September 25, 2014

Mason Properties plans to open a laundromat on South Fourth Street within 120 days, and he plans to add a restaurant and bowling alley to the building.Co-owners Jim and Linda Mason are moving forward with plans to build the laundromat at 1401 S. Fourth...

Masons plan to open ‘fun center’

By Keisha Howerth | April 20, 2014

Mason Properties has plans to build a bowling alley, restaurant and laundromat on South Fourth Street.Owner Jim Mason and co-owner Linda Mason want to put a family fun and college center in place of the former Sullivan’s Foods on South Fourth Street.Mason...

Live smart to save money

By Jim Mason | February 19, 2014

Simple things like running your heat in the winter, getting renters insurance or the meaning of a signed contract are too often disregarded. I am here to give a few common sense tips to living on your own for the first time.When you sign a contract you...

New housing ordinaces to go into effect next month

By Robert Baird | December 5, 2012

New housing ordinances are now being implemented in January for DeKalb residents, as DeKalb City Council approved the changes last month. Rental property owners and tenants will now have to abide by various regulations and licensing requirements set forth...

Seventh ward alderman Monica O'Leary discusses changes to city landlord ordinances with City Manager Mark Biernacki during a City Council meeting Monday. The changes create a new public safety initiative that will be funded by registration fees imposed on rental properties in DeKalb. The changes passed the Council and will go into effect next year.

City Council votes on changes to landlord ordinances

By Alex Yorko | November 27, 2012

City Council voted on new landlord regulations and held a public hearing regarding a tax levy for the incoming fiscal year at a Monday meeting. The council passed an ordinance requiring landlords to pay a fee for each of their rental units, which would...

City Council reviews possible changes to landlord-tenant laws

By Joe Palmer | November 14, 2012

DeKalb City Council discussed the potential changes to landlord-tenant regulations at a meeting Tuesday. The council met to review possible changes to the city ordinances regarding landlord regulations, as well as a possible property tax levy for DeKalb...

City Council, DARA works toward agreement on landlord-tenant codes

By Joe Palmer | November 14, 2012

Big changes in how landlords and the city handle rental properties are in the works. The DeKalb Area Rental Association (DARA) and DeKalb City Council have been entrenched in discussions regarding the future of landlord-tenant relations in the city. The...

Housing ordinances see continued debate

By Abria Martin | August 28, 2012

The City Council is looking to increase inspections, which could result in more fines on landlords and their tenants. The Safe/Quality Housing Task Force has teamed up with the City Council to discuss four ordinances for the community: the rental properties...

Landlords raise comments about tenants handbook to resolve issues

By Dave Gong | April 17, 2011

The main discussion points at Friday's Landlord/Tenant Sub-Committee were the Landlord Tenants handbook, the role and relationship of the sub-committee to the Landlord Association and the examination of other city ordinances relevant to the sub-committee....

Apartment safety tips from the DeKalb fire and Police departments

By Zachary Brictson | January 31, 2011

 DeKalb's police and fire departments have advice for staying safe in an apartment. "Do your best to know your neighbors," said DeKalb Police Lt. Gary Spangler. Spangler said it's always important for renters to be aware of their surroundings and of...