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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Learn skills from month of writing

By Gina Lorusso | November 5, 2013

For all you avid writers out there, or for those of you who just enjoy writing, November is more than Thanksgiving and football.It’s National Novel Writing Month, and it’s a big deal for the many students with a passion for writing.Whether writing...

Letter to the Editor: $15 minimum wage would not damage economy

By Kristina Kroger | September 9, 2013

I was troubled and disturbed by a column run on Tuesday, titled “Raising minimum wage: troubles for businesses, workers.”First off, Ms. New begins by quoting a very reliable source, Robert B. Reich, former secretary of labor, as saying that a hike...

Sigma Tau Delta hosted it second annual Poe and Co. Halloween

By Katie Finlon | November 4, 2012

An intelligent way to celebrate a weekday Halloween? Telling classic scary tales around a bonfire with spooky treats galore. English honors society Sigma Tau Delta hosted its second annual Poe and Co. event at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday at the East Lagoon...