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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

NIU Reacts to Libya

By Dan Martynowicz | October 23, 2011

After Muammar Gadhafi's death Thursday, NIU students and faculty spoke about what the future holds for Libya. Gadhafi's death brings in a new era of uncertainty for Libya, said Christopher Jones, political science professor and associate vice provost...

Local experts weigh in on Libyan crisis

By Eric Nofsinger | September 5, 2011

DeKalb | After rebels assaulted and captured Tripoli, NIU experts discuss Col. Moammar Gadhafi and how his ousting will impact the world. Brian Sandberg, associate professor of history, said as Gadhafi is backed into a corner, he must surrender, flee...

Obama: ‘We have a responsibility’

By Danny Cozzi | March 28, 2011

Freshman theater major Richie Vavrina watched as President Barack Obama defended the first war launched on his watch. He declared Monday night that the United States intervened in Libya to prevent a slaughter of civilians that would have stained the world's...

Obama faces a no-win situation with Libya

By Dave Thomas | March 28, 2011

President Barack Obama laid out his plan for U.S. intervention in Libya in a speech Monday night. And while I don't think it will be a speech that historians will cherry pick for quotes, I have come to the realization that he has said everything he could...

What is the US’s goal in Libya?

By David Thomas | March 21, 2011

This last week saw the situation in Libya intensify as international forces got involved in the mix. Uncharacteristically (to American audiences anyway), France led the way, even firing the first shot as demonstrated here. Now U.S. Admiral Mike Mullen,...