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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Davey Dynamite destroys summer album

By Carl Nadig | September 11, 2013

Carl NadigColumnist H @carlnadigLocal musician Davey Dynamite has come a long way from his DeKalb debut in fall 2009 on the now-extinct Java 101 sound stage.Dynamite performed alongside musicians like Dave Green, Michael Pfingsten and poet Emanuel Vinson....

Best upcoming live music in DeKalb

By Tony Martin and Jerene-Elise Nall | January 17, 2011

It's official: Winter break is over. As the spring semester rears its ugly head, you may find yourself counting down the days until spring break begins. Instead, try counting down the days to the next big show. Here are our top picks to keep you sane...