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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Matt Streb, administrative task force co-chair, (left) and George Slotsve, academic task force co-chair, discuss the progress of NIU’s program prioritization efforts at the Faculty Senate meeting Wednesday in the Holmes Student Center, Sky Room.

Program prioritization task force increases meeting hours

By Alexander Chettiath | March 31, 2016

Matt Streb, administrative task force co-chair, (left) and George Slotsve, academic task force co-chair, discuss the progress of NIU’s program prioritization efforts at the Faculty Senate meeting Wednesday in the Holmes Student Center, Sky Room.

Jump into Jobs: Negotiating salary and benefits

By Melissa Mastrogiovanni | April 29, 2012

Negotiating salary and benefits is not the same thing as “haggling,” said Mahesh Subramony, assistant professor of management. Especially in a very competitive job market, salary negotiations require a professional approach. If potential employees...

Jump Into Jobs Pt. 2 – Let’s Play 20 Questions

By Melissa Mastrogiovanni | April 22, 2012

Playing a game of 20 questions may be fun on a date, but during a job interview, one wrong question can make the difference between “we want you” and “we’re not interested.” To calm those nerves, NIU professors and Career Services offer tips...

Jump into Jobs Part One: Application Station

By Melissa Mastrogiovanni | April 11, 2012

Employers scan resumes and cover letters very briefly, said Joyce Keller, Career Counseling and Internships associate director. To catch an employer’s attention, these documents need to be well-organized and customized to the employer’s specific job...