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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Lucinda Avenue extension sits partially constructed on an area of land where Douglas Hall used to stand. 

Lucinda Avenue extension nears completion

By Satta Kendor | October 15, 2015

NIU President Doug Baker’s plan for a 10-minute campus will soon be a couple blocks closer with the completion of the Lucinda Avenue extension.The project, intended to create a direct route to Stevenson Hall and the Convocation Center by extending Lucinda...

lost and found on the Huskie Bus

By Allyson Martin | September 29, 2010

  DeKALB | Michael Sunderman, freshman biology major, lost his room key on the circle left Huskie bus. "I called the Huskie Line immediately after I got off the bus," Sunderman said. "The operator at the Huskie Line then found out exactly which bus I...