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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

A display case with a mannequin and banner from First Nations Native Alliance displays Native agriculture and food from the “Good Food” exhibit in Cole Hall. NIU’s Land Acknowledgement recognizes the original Indigenous populations that inhabited the land NIU stands on. (Rachel Cormier | Northern Star)

NIU’s land acknowledgement, explained

By Rachel Cormier, News Reporter | December 10, 2023

DeKALB – Before every play, concert or official university meeting at NIU starts, students and staff hear a statement read aloud. In less than 30 seconds but in distinct succession, a speaker acknowledges that “we,” the university or the individuals...

English professor Melissa Adams-Campbell is finishing editing her book, “New World Courtship: Transatlantic Alternatives to Companionate Marriage,” which is about cultural differences and romantic relationships in early American literature. The book will be released next fall.

Professor focuses book on courtship in novels

By Sabreena Saleem | October 21, 2014

English professor Melissa Adams-Campbell is putting the final touches on her first academic book, “New World Courtship: Transatlantic Alternatives to Companionate Marriage.”The book, which will be released in fall 2015, focuses on American fiction...