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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Property owner Jim Mitchell gives a tour of a house, 824 Greenbrier Road. The residence was recently rented out to the Veteran's Association for housing military veterans, Army Reservists and National Guardsmen, among other military students.

A home of their own: NIU Veterans Association gains vet housing

By Keith Hernandez | September 24, 2015

The NIU Veterans Association has found a home on Greek Row for student veterans after a year of searching DeKalb properties.The house, located at 824 Greenbrier Road, will serve as a place of living for military veterans, Army Reservists, National Guardsmen...

NIU ROTC offers students a chance to earn a foreign military badge

By Northern Star Staff | November 7, 2012

The NIU ROTC program sent cadets to Macomb for an opportunity to earn a foreign military badge, according to a NIU ROTC news release. The German Armed Forces Proficiency badge was earned by nine cadets in the NIU ROTC program. The badge is a decoration...

Students participate in a 21 gun salute during Veterans Day
Ceremony outside of Altgeld hall last year.

Memorial service pays tribute to war veterans

By Matt Liparota | November 11, 2011

Marine corps veteran Levi Kammes said he looks back on his time in the military with a smile. Kammes, who served from 2001 to 2005, also serves as the president of the NIU Veterans Club, which hosts a Veterans Day memorial service at 11 a.m. today in...

Cadet Gim Reo looks out the window of a helicopter just before take off from DeKalb Taylor Municipal Airport on Friday afternoon.

ROTC members gain valuable experience on weekend training trip

By Kyla Gardner | March 27, 2011

Marseilles | Cadet Randa Hamadeh runs through the forest as fast as she can; down one hill, up another. Thorny bushes grab her uniform and whip across her face. This is crazy, she thinks. Her squad of 12 cadets was sent on a reconnaissance mission to...

Military Student Services comes to NIU

By Jack Baker | September 15, 2010

Samuel Dreyer, freshman pre-physical therapy major, was nervous about his transition from the Marine Corps to NIU. But after meeting with Military Student Services during his orientation, that transition became much easier. "They gave me a packet full...

Cadets Denna, Scott, Zastany and Reo race to the finish of the third challenge during last year's ROTC Confidence Course Aug. 27, 2009.

ROTC kickoff event sure to be a challenge

By David Matz | August 24, 2010

Don't be surprised to see people climbing across a single rope bridge over the creek in front of Cole Hall this Thursday; it's just the first challenge in NIU's ROTC Challenge Course. From the Chick Evans Field House to the East Lagoon, parts of campus...