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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

University to host open house

By Quentin Wilson | October 28, 2019

DeKALB — NIU will host the second open house of the school year Monday, Nov. 11.Potential students will be given a chance to learn more about the university's organizations, courses and services. Visitors will get a chance to greet and ask questions...

CHANCE Program celebrates 50 years

By Fathima Siddiqui | October 22, 2018

DeKALB — The McKinley “Deacon” Davis CHANCE Program is celebrating 50 years of providing opportunities to students in higher education.The College Help and Assistance Necessary for College Education [CHANCE] Program was a vision of the sixth NIU...

Students should be more patient with campus tours

Students should be more patient with campus tours

October 24, 2011

Between the seventh and ninth week of school, students realize they are halfway done with the semester. After hearing someone in Neptune ask why they would have tours during midterms, I wondered if this was an appropriate time. At first, I thought tours...