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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student Government Association is located in the Holmes Student Center ground floor in the OASIS space.

SGA pushes executive branch to gain new certifications

By Evan Mellon, News Reporter | November 20, 2022

DeKALB – The Student Government Association passed a bill immediately requiring members of the executive branch to complete the Illinois Open Meetings Act training to become OMA certified. The Open Meetings Act is a law requiring public bodies to...

Law and Justice, Legality concept, Judge Gavel on a wooden background, Law library concept.

University should proceed carefully

As the administration takes steps in better codifying the NIU Constitution, administrators must remain cautious, remembering the lack of transparency NIU’s previous governing bodies have demonstrated.The attorney general issued an opinion Monday that...

Hearing set for SA lawsuit

By Lindsey Salvatelli | January 26, 2017

DeKALB — A pretrial hearing for a pending lawsuit against the Student Association Senate is set to be held Feb. 2.Leon Kincaid, former SA senator, filed a complaint April 29 against the SA for allegedly violating the Illinois Open Meetings Act when...

Leon Kincaid, former Student Association Senator, speaks during a Veterans’ Day ceremony Nov. 11, 2014, at a flagpole near Altgeld Hall.

SA moves to dismiss former Senator’s suit

By Northern Star staff | November 17, 2016

Leon Kincaid, former Student Association Senator, speaks during a Veterans’ Day ceremony Nov. 11, 2014, at a flagpole near Altgeld Hall.