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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

NIU: Stop silence over paid leave

NIU: Stop silence over paid leave

By Northern Star Editorial Board | September 10, 2014

NIU could do with more transparency if it wishes to meet President Doug Baker’s goal of providing ethically inspired leadership.Baker’s administration has made strides in transparency by announcing personnel changes among the president’s cabinet...

NIU racks up $1.15 million in pay for suspended employees since July 2012

NIU racks up $1.15 million in pay for suspended employees since July 2012

By Kelly Bauer | September 10, 2014

Seven NIU employees are on paid leave, adding to the about $1.15 million the university has paid to suspended employees since July 2012.Employees are not able to work while on leave, though they continue to receive their salary in accordance with state...

Deputy police chief placed on paid leave as state police investigate

Deputy police chief placed on paid leave as state police investigate

By Kelly Bauer | February 18, 2014

Darren Mitchell, NIU’s deputy police chief, has been placed on paid administrative leave as the Illinois state police investigate a potential “discrepancy” in his work.NIU Police Chief Tom Phillips said he “came across some discrepancies” late...