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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

DVD box art for 'Product of Society [the film].'

‘Not the product of a sane mind’

By Chris Krapek | April 11, 2011

Some say comic book artist Jon Lennon is crazy. In fact, it was Ain't It Cool News who said his work "is not the product of a sane mind." Can you blame them? This is the guy who's books feature men shooting up their semen intravenously to get a fix. In...

Comic conventions have fun for all kinds of fans

By Tony Martin | March 9, 2011

I love comic books. The Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo is coming to Chicago from March 18-20, and I wish I could go. I almost want to quit my band so I don't have to be on tour the weekend of C2E2. Having been to a couple of comic conventions in...