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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

False fire alarms can be prevented

By Jordan Radloff | October 9, 2019

The fire alarms have gone off three times at Neptune Residence Hall in two weeks, according to residents, resulting in mandatory evacuations of the building. It can be frustrating for students to have to wait outside their residence halls at inconvenient...

Junior nursing student Quinita Johnson waits Tuesday to check in students at Stevenson South Towers.

Campus security needs updates

By Payton Higgins | September 18, 2019

Campus security proved its capabilities Sept. 7 with the arrest of Cinque C. Simmons, of Chicago. Simmons was a student at NIU until Sept. 7 when he was arrested at Huskie Stadium and charged with the possession of a firearm without a firearm owner’s...

Attendees listen as Trevada Redmond, of DeKalb, asks police leadership how they plan to hold themselves and their officers accountable.

Police chief promises daily updates on arrest statistics at community meeting

By Noah Thornburgh | September 5, 2019

At a community meeting Wednesday night, DeKalb Police Chief John Petragallo agreed to post a daily breakdown of arrests by race and economic status to the department’s social media, following a demand by a resident.DeKalb community members filled New...

Suicide prevention must be taken seriously

Suicide prevention must be taken seriously

By Haley Galvin | October 3, 2018

Suicide and suicide prevention are hard things to talk about, and they often fall under the category of things that should not be talked about; however, that needs to change. Suicide is a real and present issue in society, and it is a topic many college...