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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

NIU provost Beth Ingram steps down from her role while the university's new CFO George Middlemist arrives in January

NIU gains new CFO, provost to step down

By Zachary Bertram, Senior Sports Reporter | November 20, 2022

DeKALB – NIU hired George Middlemist as its new CFO, and Beth Ingram, executive vice president and provost, announced she will be resigning in June. NIU found its new chief financial officer in Middlemist, according to an NIU Today news release....

5 more students test positive for COVID-19

Temporary in-person class shutdown is a positive move by university

By Danielle Elliott | September 17, 2020

NIU President Lisa Freeman sent out an email Friday to inform students that the university will temporarily be moving undergraduate courses online for two weeks due to the quick rise in students testing positive for COVID-19.  We are now nearly a...

Free COVID-19 testing will be temporarily offered at Dekalb High School. Testing will be offered from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. 

Surveillance testing is a simple, necessary process

By Jordan Radloff | September 3, 2020

This week the university’s COVID-19 surveillance testing program began. Increased testing for students attending on-campus classes and events will hopefully allow the university to conduct more effective contact tracing. Taking the nasal swab test was...

Officials continue on vice president and provost search

Officials continue on vice president and provost search

By Northern Star Staff | February 3, 2019

DeKALB — A nationwide search to fill the vacant vice president and provost position has been ongoing, and NIU has received 80 to 100 applications for the post to date.The search has been underway since NIU President Lisa Freeman’s Sep. 20 Board of...

Board approves negotiating $20M partnership

By Jessie Kern | January 14, 2019

DeKALB — The Board of Trustees voted Wednesday and unanimously approved NIU entering into a partnership with Wiley Education Services—once final terms are negotiated—with the goal of expanding enrollment for online programs. The partnership’s...

1st female president shares journey to NIU

By Lindsey Salvatelli | August 28, 2017

DeKalb | Illinois higher education leadership has needed to answer difficult questions during the past few years; however, acting President Lisa Freeman has spent the majority of her life seeking answers to unsolved questions.Freeman is the first female...

Provost to be chosen

By Rhea Riley | May 1, 2014

The search for a provost and executive vice president is close to an end as NIU President Doug Baker will make his decision on who to hire as soon as possible now that candidate forums are over.Monday and Tuesday, NIU hosted its last provost candidate,...

Enwemeka drops provost candidacy

By Northern Star Staff | April 9, 2014

Chukuka Enwemeka has withdrawn as a candidate for executive vice president and provost, NIU announced Tuesday.Enwemeka withdrew from his candidacy as he has accepted a provost position at another university, he told NIU.Enwemeka had planned to visit NIU...

Provost search in the works

By James Green | December 3, 2013

NIU is preparing its search for a provost for NIU President Doug Baker’s administration.The previous provost, Ray Alden, was appointed to the newly created position of vice president for International Affairs. Until a permanent candidate can be found,...

Provost appoints committee

By Jessi Haish | January 29, 2013

The General Education Visioning Task Force has been established by Provost Raymond Alden to begin revising NIU’s General Education Program. Faculty, staff and students will re-evaluate the general education goals and outcomes and work in close consultation...

Provost Alden named finalist for UNO’s presidential position

By Hailey Kurth | November 16, 2011

NIU's Provost Ray Alden has been chosen as a semi-finalist in the search for the University of New Orleans' new President, according to an announcement made Tuesday on the UNO website. UNO received 60 nominations and 30 applications for the position....

President John Peters introduced "The Vision 2020 Initiative" at the State of the University address Thursday afternoon in Altgeld auditorium.

Peters outlines vision for changing landscape

By Jalen Cobb | September 2, 2010

"THE CHANGING LANDSCAPE OF HIGHER EDUCATION" was the title of NIU President John Peters State of the University address Thursday. Peters introduced the creation of "The Vision 2020 Initiative," an idea to enhance NIU's academic future. "The NIU Great...