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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Feed’Em Soup founder steps down as president

November 16, 2011

Feed'Em Soup founder David Lumpkin is stepping down from his role as company president after two years."I am sad to leave...but I know that for Feed'Em Soup to grow there must be a change and I know that change, in this instance, is a good thing," Lumpkin...

On Oct. 26, Feed 'Em Soup will move to a new location at 122 S.
First St. This is the first time the organization will have its own

Feed ‘Em Soup moves into new home Oct. 26

By Ryan Felgenhauer | October 17, 2011

Local nonprofit organization Feed ‘Em Soup will open a new location Oct. 26. The group will move to its own location, 122 S. First St. in DeKalb, from its previous space at First Lutheran Church, 324 N. First St. "We have a great new location," said...

Local group aims to fight starvation

By Chelsey Boutan | October 17, 2011

Outreach and Engagement Associate Andrew Pemberton's parents taught him the importance of helping people in the community. Today, that sense of volunteerism hasn't left. Pemberton helped organize NIU's Interfaith and Community Service Campus Challenge...

Public votes Feed ‘Em Soup as winner of new car

By Ryan Felgenhauer | September 28, 2011

Toyota awarded local charity Feed ‘Em Soup a Toyota Sienna Wednesday. Toyota will give away 100 cars to 100 nonprofit organizations based on several criteria. First, Toyota judges chose 500 finalists from the original 3,000 applicants, said Joe Van...

Let them eat soup

By Ryan Felgenhauer | September 20, 2011

DeKalb area charity Feed ‘Em Soup will hold a food drive with DeKalb area police departments. The food drive will benefit the table Feed ‘Em Soup sets up for those who attend their biweekly community meals. "The table is a portable food pantry," said...