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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Pass/Fail: New exhibit offers old tales of history; Don’t drive; grab a ride if drinking bar

By Scott Glavac | September 23, 2014

Pass: New exhibit offers old tales of historyNIU’s Anthropology Museum, founded in 1964, is celebrating its 50th anniversary today in Cole Hall.From what I’ve seen through the museum’s window, its Curated by DeKalb exhibit is something I will certainly...

Sycamore resident Becky Wardlow is in the running for a national
contest, sponsored by Walgreens, to win one ton of candy and a cash

Sycamore woman reaches semi-finals in national Walgreens sponsored contest

By Courtney Schmitt | October 13, 2011

Sycamore resident Becky Wardlow is in the running for a national contest to win one ton of Halloween candy and a cash prize sponsored by Walgreens and Hershey's. As a semi-finalist, Wardlow was awarded a $300 Walgreens gift card to decorate her house...

Bringing class to DeKalb High School

By Shelby Devitt | August 28, 2011

The new DeKalb High School, 501 W. Dresser Road, was dedicated at a public ceremony Friday night on the 50-yard line of the football field. The people who made the new, multi-million dollar facility possible were recognized, including current and former...