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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Guest curators to hold educational programs at Art Museum

By Northern Star staff | April 11, 2016

The Between the Wars: Contrasts, Parallels, Shifts and Patterns exhibit will hold an educational program from 5-6 p.m. Wednesday in Altgeld Hall, Room 315.The exhibit explores stylistic motivations, technical innovations and social transitions during...

The red crepe evening suit was one of the many fashion pieces featured at the “Art Deco and Women’s fashion” exhibit Thursday in The NIU Art Museum.

Art museum honors evolution of fashion

By Alexis Malapitan | April 11, 2016

The red crepe evening suit was one of the many fashion pieces featured at the “Art Deco and Women’s fashion” exhibit Thursday in The NIU Art Museum.

Art Museum to open new art deco exhibition

By Northern Star staff | April 1, 2016

The Art Museum will open an exhibition suite centered on the Art Deco period Thursday, according to an Art Museum news release.The exhibition suite will show the energy, glitz and glamour of the Art Deco period, according to the news release.There will...